Now more than ever, music is essential to keep us moving and out of bed each morning. Music is personal, something I love, someone else might hate, that's why it's amazing.
My morning routine now is:
Out of bed, in the kitchen, music blasting, breakfast.

Music follows me everywhere I go, work, driving, cooking, showering, and I've chosen some of my favourite songs at the moment. If you'd like a listen, follow my Spotify: Charlotte Nunnerley
Elli Ingram - Bad Behaviour
Most of the artists I have been listening to I have never heard of, so whether they're new or just not listened to enough, I have no idea. I'm just happy listening. This song brings the sass into my life that makes my mood lift. It's pop, but the sax and heavy beats brings in a soul feel. It's catchy, and easy listening.
NDO - No way out
The beat in this song is so different and will stand out in most peoples everyday playlist. With headphones the beat travels through your ears, which follows with the vocals are beaut!
Nyah Grace - Sunday
Yesterday, sat in my car listening to this soulful woman with the sun burning my face, was amazing. Giving me total relaxation vibes and calmed me completely. It's the perfect break from everyday stress that comes from Miss Rona.
Atkins - Power of the boogie
THIS SONG. I heard it first whilst at a Folamour (anything he plays is amazing) event and it's a great mood lifter. Blast this whilst making your tea or having a drive and you'll feel amazing.
Rex Orange County - Loving is easy
This warms my heart, blasting this through headphones is the only way to fully feel it. Full 10/10 for good vibes.
Lennon Stella - Golf on TV
This girl. She's amazing and I think a lot of her fans are obsessed with her new album, with every song having relatable aspects to them and such good messages, they're sensational.
Her vocals are so simple but yet so beautiful and moving to listen to.
"Some people wanna switch it up
Like just one love
Could never be enough
Some people watch golf on TV
And neither of those things make sense to me"
The 1975 - If you're too shy (let me know)
This is a throwback to my 14 year old days. Since then their music hasn't been the same but this song is just like their old songs. The positive and upbeat sound is exciting and something differen't from other music coming out at the minute.
Alaina Castillo - Just a boy
This girls vocals are stunning and her song is empowering. With the simple backing music matches well and is great for a chilled moment. She speaks the thoughts of every pissed off girl and I love it.
"When I'm alone and all I got is time
Too much time
And you don't pick up
My head starts to make shit up"
Harry styles - Cherry
The best. The whole album I didn't love at the start but now, I can't listen enough. So many different ways his music could have gone and to make it this peaceful and meaningful is amazing. I could write a whole blog on each song but this song in particular is beautiful and a breath of fresh are from the mainstream music that appears everyday on the radio. It's beautiful.
There are many more in the playlist but these are my favourites.
Hope you're keeping well and staying inside, this will be over soon.
Char x